Podcast: Tell me about it!
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There is a post here in the blog that explained how people use this expression: tell me about it! It’s interesting to hear how people actually say it. We say tell me about it when we mean nem me fale or depending on the intonation, eu que o diga. Look at the examples:
– Gee! What a tiring day! Nossa, que dia cansativo!
– Tell me about it, dude! Nem me fale, cara!
– I really can’t stand that anymore! Eu realmente não suporto mais isso!
– Yeah Tell me about it! É Nem me fale!
– I’m so annoyed by his attitude. Estou tão chateado com a atitude dele.
– Tell me about it. Nem me fale.
– They’re driving me crazy with those bad jokes! Eles estão me enlouquecendo com essas piadas sem graça!
– Tell me about it! Nem me fale!
Now pay attention to something else, can you notice any difference in the intonation?
– Your sister is so sweet, but she can be a real pain in the neck sometimes. Sua irmã é muito querida, mas ela consegue ser bem chatinha às vezes.
– Tell me about it. Eu que o diga!
When you emphasize the “me” in the sentence, you’re clearly saying that you not only agree with what the person is saying, but also that you’ve had the same experience yourself. Nice, huh? Look:
– Oh gosh, people like to make fun of each other in this company! Meu Deus, como gostam de tirar sarro um do outro nessa empresa!
– Yeah tell me about it. É Eu que o diga.
– I´ve been working so much that I don’t even have time to hang out with you. Tenho trabalhado tanto que nem tenho tempo para ficar com você.
– Tell me about it. Eu que o diga.
So that’s it, people! See you next week! Bye!